• Lotto draws Range Finder and Range Tracker

    Range Finders main function is to find the best possible range of past draws to use, which shows a promising amount of matches accumulated over 1 to 5 past draws. What Range Finder does is compare up to 5 past draws against the Hot and Due numbers at that time, never including the pick it is comparing in the overall calculation. As an example, lets say there are 100 past draws entered. Range Finder starts by calculating what the Hot and Due numbers in the range of 1 to 99 would be. It does not include the 100th draw because this is used to compare against the Hot and Due numbers. It acts like it does not know the outcome of the next draw after 99 and removes the 100th set of numbers for comparison. Next, it will take out the 99th set of numbers (and the 100th draw is already removed). It then recalculates the Hot and Due numbers at this time (which would be 1 to 98) and then compares the 99th draw to see how things match up. Next, it will take out the 98th set of numbers (and the 99th and 100th draws are already removed). It then recalculates the Hot and Due at this time and then compares the 98th draw to see how things match up. This continues until 1 to 5 past draws have been compared (Later you will learn how to change the past draws compared from anywhere between 1 and 5).
  • Once it has checked all the past draws specified, it now moves to the range of 2 to 99 and repeats the above pattern. Then it will move to 3 to 99, 4 to 99, 5 to 99 and so on repeating the pattern above. Once it has run through the entire database of past draws, it stores these results in the top right corner of the first two tabs under the pull down. Now, lets say Lotto Logic Pros powerful Range Finder feature, not found in any other lottery program, reads 78 and 89 past draws as the ranges with the most matches overall. You can switch to either of these ranges and select Hot and/or Due numbers from the range of past draws that you decide to use.

    How to start Range Finder

    You can start the Range Finder in several ways. One way is to use Auto Calc (short for Automatically Calculate) which can be started by clicking on the lightening bolt in the main toolbar or by clicking on the Calculate button located on the Range Finder (Trends) tab. Another way to start or use Range Finder is by changing the range manually and viewing the results in the Range Finder (Trends) tab. You can change the range by clicking on the up and down arrowheads beside the text box with the past draws value in it. This is located at the top right corner of the Range Finder (Trends) tab and is always present in the Ticket Selection tab as well. Auto Calc will always run through the entire database of past draws no matter how many past draws are currently calculated in the program.
  • Range Finder display

    The Range Finder (Trends) display always shows the 5 past draws that are compared against the Hot and Due results from the range of past draws currently calculated. Beside each past draw set are two numbers. The first number displays how many matches there were for this past draw; the next is the total of all the matches from that set and each set above it. The 5th last number is the grand total of matches. You can also view the top 14 Hot and Due numbers and the matches on the display above. To the right of the Hot and Due displays is the total of Hot and/or Due matches. On the right are check boxes for you to change to obtain either just the Hot or Due number matches. All displays change accordingly to your choice. To view the matched results of each past draw you can highlight the past draw set you want to view and the results will be displayed in the Hot and Due numbers above.
  • Range Finder options

    There are several options Range Finder has from which you can choose. You can switch to the results of just Hot numbers or Due numbers. These two checkmark boxes are located on the right above the Track button of the Range Finder (Trends) tab. Un-checking both boxes provides no results and has no purpose. Auto Calc also takes into consideration these selections when starting a Calculate process. Another choice for you to make is determining which set of numbers you want to compare – just Winners, Bonus or their Combined values. These options are located on the right above the Hot and Due check mark boxes. Changing these options changes the display accordingly and clears any results stored in the Range Finder result pull downs. Calculate also takes these options into consideration.

    Before you run a Calculate session you can change 3 separate options which Calculate will take into consideration while running.

    The first option is whether you want to compare Hot numbers, Due numbers, or both Hot and Due numbers. You can change these options by checking or un-checking the Hot and Due check boxes above the Track button on the Range Finder (Trends) tab.
  • Your second option is whether to compare against Winners, Bonus, or both Winners and Bonus number(s). You can change this option on the right-hand side of the Range Finder (Trends) tab above the Hot and Due Check boxes.

    Thirdly you may change how many past draws you wish to compare against by right clicking the Calculate button. You can select from 1 to 5 past draws for results. The display will still show up to 5 past draws and their results but Calculate will only use the amount you specified and store the results under the pull down in the top right hand corner of the Range Finder (Trends) tab. When you switch the amount of past draws, you need to click on Calculate button to start the process. You will notice that the button has changed from Calculate 5 to whatever you selected. For example, lets say it was switched to 3. The button will now read Calculate 3. What options you wish to use is up to you. After you run a Calculate process you need to check the results by using the coinciding pull down.
  • Lotto Program Overview

    Every draw you should track at least one of the best ranges. In the center of the Range Finder (Trends) tab you will notice that 1 is separated from 2,3,4 and 5 past draw range results. The reason this was done is to simply identify the range of past draws that were the best range for the last draw. It is highly recommended you have at least 30 past draws entered before you start to track ranges. Below the Range Tracker list you will notice an average and popular result. The Average result is the average of all the ranges you have tracked so far. The Popular result displays any range, which has shown up more than once, or the range, which shows up most often.

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